
John Magaro age, family, net worth and more

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John Magaro whose middle name is Robert is a famous American actor most commonly known for movie and film projects like Orange is the new black, Not Fade Away and The Umbrella Academy.

Aside acting he has worked in many video game projects as a voice character.


How old is John Magaro?

He is 39 years old now. John Magaro was born on February 16, 1983 into a Christian family from Akron.


John Magaro Family

John Magaro’s parents are both tutors, his dad is James and his mom is Wendy. Magaro is single.


What is John Magaro’s net worth?

John Magaro has a net worth of $2 million as of 2022.


John Magaro height

He is 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs roughly 75kg.





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